
Welcome to the centralised online location of Cheesemongery! We by definition embody the art & craft of curating, presenting, and selling cheese.

Rooted in centuries-old traditions, cheesemongers are the indisputable master purveyors of artisan cheeses; renowned for their expertise in selecting, ageing, and showcasing an array of artisanal and speciality varieties. At its core, cheesemongery celebrates the rich diversity of cheese, from creamy bries to tangy blues; inviting you as connoisseurs and enthusiasts alike to savour flavour, texture, and aroma properties.

With a deep appreciation for quality and a commitment to excellence, cheesemongery curates collections that delight the senses and ignite the imagination, making every encounter with cheese a journey of discovery and delight.

Cheesemongery There are 453 products.

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Abbaye De Belloc Sheep - 4kg

When young, this cheese has a soft and creamy texture, and a delicate flavour reminiscent of flowers, hazelnuts, and fresh milk. As it matures, it develops more complex aromas of grilled fruit and...

£156.64 Vat incl

Chimay A La Bière

The pairing of Chimay beers and cheeses is a match made in heaven. Try the beer, and you’ll crave the cheese. Have a taste of the cheese, and you’ll want the beer. They complement each other...

£63.45 Vat incl

Comté (18 months) - 3kg

Its paste is ivory to yellow in colour and has a dense, smooth, and shiny texture. Depending on the ripening stage, it may contain small white clusters of tyrosine, an amino acid that contributes...

£96.94 Vat incl

Comté King Cut (Block) - 2.5kg

Its paste is ivory to yellow in colour and has a dense, smooth, and shiny texture. Depending on the ripening stage, it may contain small white clusters of tyrosine, an amino acid that contributes...

£57.57 Vat incl

French Gruyère Wedge

It boasts a golden-yellow rind and a pale interior dotted with small holes, characteristic of its traditional aging process, which lasts from several months to a year or more.  French Gruyère is...

£22.97 Vat incl

Livarot Du Plessis - 500g

The taste is nutty, and melts in the mouth, to release flavours of a salty lemon and some 'spiciness'. The texture is creamy, smooth and quite runny at room temperature. Each wheel is washed in...

£16.18 Vat incl

Livarot Père Gauthier Large - 2kg

Livarot Père Gauthier is easily recognisable by its orange-hued, sticky rind, which is encircled by strips of dried reed, earning it the nickname 'The Colonel' due to its resemblance to a colonel’s...

£64.34 Vat incl

Munster Ermitage - 8 x 125g

Typically aged for at least three weeks, it pairs well with Alsace wines like Gewürztraminer and Riesling, and complements dark breads and fruits. Munster Ermitage is a reflection of the rich...

£37.00 Vat incl

Raclette with Chilli - 6kg

This combination creates a delightful balance between the rich, melty qualities of Raclette and the invigorating spice of chili, making it a versatile choice for those who enjoy a bit of heat. When...

£134.23 Vat incl

Reblochon - 500g

 It features a soft, creamy texture and a washed rind with a distinctive orange-yellow hue. Reblochon is celebrated for its rich, nutty flavour with a hint of earthiness and a buttery, slightly...

£11.93 Vat incl

Roquefort Societe - 1.25kg

The cheese features a moist, crumbly paste with a rich, creamy mouthfeel and a strong, pungent aroma.  Roquefort Société has a protected designation of origin (PDO) status, ensuring it is produced...

£36.26 Vat incl

Roquefort Vieux Berger - 1.25kg

The cheese boasts a creamy, moist texture with a slightly crumbly paste, and its rich, tangy flavour is complemented by the earthy and salty notes of Penicillium roqueforti blue veins. Known for...

£59.46 Vat incl

St Agur

The flavour profile is bold yet balanced, offering a harmonious blend of sharp, tangy blue notes with a smooth, buttery finish. Its moist, creamy paste and slightly salty taste make it a versatile...

£34.13 Vat incl

St Albray - 2kg

The cheese has a washed rind, imparting a mildly pungent aroma and contributing to its mild yet complex flavour profile, with buttery and slightly tangy notes that intensify with age. St. Albray is...

£66.38 Vat incl

St Marcellin IGP - 10 x 80g

It has a delicate, bloomy rind that encases a rich, ivory-coloured paste. The flavour profile of St. Marcellin is mild and creamy, with subtle nutty and earthy undertones that become more...

£25.56 Vat incl