It’s fudge-like, caramelised, and decadent, making it a great breakfast or dessert cheese.
Gjetost is best served in thin slices along with fresh fruit.
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Its supple, spreadable texture is enhanced by a velvety rind and a creamy centre adorned with the characteristic blue marbling that emerges during the aging process (typically spanning several...
Pair with your chutney and crackers of choice if you like to eat your cheese traditionally or we would also recommend incorporating the 'Strongest' into scones and create a cheese scone phenomenon!
Aged for at least 21 days, Munster Fischer develops a soft, supple interior beneath its signature sticky, orange-hued rind, achieved through regular brine washing. This process enhances its pungent...
By using original bacteria ferments, cheddaring methods, traditional hand-making techniques, and employing cloth-binding, Jane has successfully handcrafted a Cheddar with a distinctive flavour...
Sage Derby Cheese is England’s oldest and most famous cheese originally made only for special occasions such as Harvest and Christmas. Traditional Sage Derby has an open texture with a smooth,...